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Holding Hands

About World Wide Lovers


Partying Authorized distributor

World Wide Lovers, a limited liability company, is a direct contract agency for Partying app. An organization that supports individual STREAMER. And an organization that contributes to society. An organization that supports people borderlessly with respect to nationality and language through the IT industry. Respecting individual personalities, especially in the Asian Metaverse, WWL will continue to help people lead a richer life.

Love and Mojitos

Corporate philosophy

We are a group established to protect the dignity of distributors who want to connect with the world and those who want to act as distributors. It is a group of people who want to express themselves in various ways, not in the office.
Currently, the platform that WWL (hereinafter referred to as "we") can provide is a voice distribution platform called Partying.
We are an agency that has a direct contract with Partying Japan.
For the activists (hereinafter referred to as STREAMER), "I want to distribute, but I don't have the equipment. I want to continue the distribution activity, but I don't want to belong to the office. I want to connect with people all over the world, but what should I do? I formed this group because I wanted to support people who have the feeling that I don't understand.
Since we are not an office, we will support Partying for members who agree with WWL's philosophy (spreading SNS and supporting the activities of members), but above all, we can shine ourselves. We do not regulate other platforms at all. In addition, we will not transfer the income earned from it to us.
I think that many STREAMER people have the problem of "I want to earn money as a STREAMER record immediately, but I can't earn it immediately".
We are an agency that makes payments that are commensurate with your appeal.

Love the World

Management Philosophy

Make the most of each individual's individuality

We are currently making a direct contract with the Japan branch, and in the future we will also have a contract with the Singapore head office, aiming to become a more global company.
First of all, we will start with the Japanese speaker STREAMER, who was requested by Partying Japan. However, in the current situation where the application itself called Partying is overwhelmingly supported by overseas use, it is a group of only "STREAMER who wants to connect with the world" due to the idea of Partying and our idea.
It is a group of STREAMER who wants to express themselves to the world with respect for individuals and equality to individuals and the world regardless of nationality.
Everyone has their own personality.
We would like to support everyone in the future, led by the representative, karasu.T.burnham, so that we can fully demonstrate it.
There are people all over the world who suffer from poverty. The same is true in Japan. I started it with the hope of providing an opportunity to enrich my life as much as possible by making the most of my personality.
The world is still wide. Partying, the Asian metaverse industry, is a growing market. And the application is just beginning to be offered in Japan. Why don't you connect with the world on behalf of Japan and your home country as STREAMER?
Support for other languages for Japanese nationals. We will support Japanese for foreign nationals.

World Peace

Services and benefits

Solid results

・ STREAMER is required to deliver 5 days a week within Partying. Please submit the delivery start time and delivery date at least one week in advance. The image file processed from the schedule will be sent to STREAMER in JPEG format. Please use it for promotion such as SNS. It will also spread on our SNS etc.
・ As long as you comply with the WWL rules, we have no restrictions on the content of the delivery. However, if you don't know how to deliver it, you can consult with us individually at any time. If you have any problems, please feel free to contact us by DM etc.
・ Certification Exam Support System (Welfare) Currently, since we are only a direct contract agency of Partying Japan, Japanese language skills are required at a minimum even for non-Japanese nationals. * Those who are not Japanese nationals are required to have an interview with the head office. Therefore, if you have a strong desire to study Japanese, we will bear the examination fee for the "Japanese Language Proficiency Test". We also welcome individual Japanese lessons. We will support those who want to actively learn Japanese.
For Japanese> We will bear the TOEIC test fee. It is a skill that will be useful in the future other than the future metaverse industry and distribution to affiliated people. If you want to learn positively, please contact us.
Also, if you want to learn other languages besides the world standard test, please feel free to contact us. For those who have the standard value of STREAMER approved by us, we are also considering the burden of language lesson fees. (For those who have achieved continuous delivery for 4 months or more)
* Please contact us if you would like to take an exam other than language. Example) Public qualifications such as counselor qualifications and judicial scrivener qualifications This is a qualification that leads to raising the level of individual power as STREAMER and also leads to future independence support for STREAMER.


Aiming for further success

Client 5

Individual distributor

Aiming for lasting development

No appearance, only voice is possible. Vtuber / Vliver is possible. Appearance distributor is possible. * Japanese nationals are not allowed under the age of 18. Other nationalities are allowed if they meet the adult standards recognized in this country. No age limit, skill, or experience

Client 6

Multinational support

Professional guidance

Available regardless of nationality. Correspondence regardless of nationality
Those who are at the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (n3) level are welcome. Even if you do not meet that requirement, we have complete support for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test. WWL staff are multilingual.

Client 4


Grow together

WWL will always respect your personality, nationality, race, religion, LGBTQ, native language, circumstances and nature. It is WWL's desire that the people of the world are equal. We welcome human resources who are close to people.

IT expert team



Representative / responsible person

JP / EN / ID Vliver. A Japanese writer / scenario writer who has won the Literary Award. Social media influencer. An artist with abundant communication ability who has experience in the music industry, know-how in the service industry, and experience in distribution to the world. I love languages very much. Japanese Muslim.

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JP 自身もストリーマーとして活動しながら、WWLの初期メンバーとして支えてきた人材。メンタルケアの資格も持ち、先陣を切って、人を支えていくことができる。





JP 声優養成学校に所属していた経験と、本人も歌が好きなことから声劇だけでなく歌の技術も高い人材。ゲームをこよなく愛していて、ゲーム関係にも強い。界隈の情報に通じており、Vtuberやゲーマーも好きで、何よりWWLのメンバーを愛している存在。愛のある行動は所属年数からも垣間見れる。 本人のコメントでは、ゲームと歌うことと猫を愛でるのが好きです!WWLのメンバーのことも猫のように愛情深く接していきますとのこと。期待のマネージャー。

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JP/EN マンダラアートを得意とし、自身も配信者として活動中。メタバースに造詣が深く、自身もメタバース生活を楽しんでいる。理詰めで物事を捉えることを得意とし、冷静に判断することに長けている。その反面、芸術家としての柔軟な発想も持ち合わせており、対外的な交流を多く持っている。社内でもメンバーたちと肩を並べて楽しそうに会話する姿は微笑ましい。ロックもこよなく愛している。世界に通じるアーティストになるべく精進中。LGBTQ当事者であり、MTFレズビアンである。


Would you like to join our growing team?

Providing a Partying platform and various support for those who agree with the WWL philosophy.

Praying Together



News & Events

Check the latest information on World Wide Lovers [WWL]


Community service activity report

Started regular donations to the United Nations WFP by karasu.T.burnham as an individual. A regular report from WFP today 😊 May people suffering from hunger around the world have a little more food. Amin ya Allah

Fan Club 2

Contact / Contact

Please feel free to contact us. (Individual or company) After confirming the email, the person in charge will contact you.

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Please feel free to contact us. (Individual or company) After confirming the email, the person in charge will contact you.

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